Monday, December 14, 2009


So Christmas is a little less than 2 weeks away and I have been a knitting fool! So many orders to fill, but I'm not complaining... business is a good thing!

On another subject, have you ever heard of the catologue TOAST? Oh my goodness. I want everything. And I want my house to be a small little cottage in the middle of nowhere that is decorated the same as the ones in the pictures. And then I can dress all cute in their outfits like I was picked right up out of the catalogue and dropped in my own little dream world. Some samples of their cuteness below. So casual and cute, I am in love.

This is my christmas dress (in my dreams) :). I don't really have the equivilant of 145 euros lying around although, it would be so perfect...

Some other cute outfits and home shots from their catalogue.


Jenni said...

hahahha I love it! So cute!

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

lovely ♥.

carina said...

so love that dress... i need this catalog stat!

BuenoBueno said...

i love the tights!!!!!!