Friday, November 20, 2009


So, my new love right now are these awesome headbands I have been making for my etsy shop. They are perfect for the winter months, but are oh so cute and won't mess up your hair! I'm working on a few more colors and varieties, so keep your eye out for some new stuff in the shop. In the mean time, check out the new headbands and stationary added below!


Carissa said...

Oh my goodness, those headbands are so cute! Love them. (The stationary is pretty too!)

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

you are so talented!

those headbands are awesome!

i just found you through the "she can't decide" blog and i'm glad i did :).

Cristin said...

thanks guys! and nice to meet you lauren! I will have to stop by your blog. :)