Sunday, November 23, 2008


I had my first item featured on the twitter of MyMom'sbasement.

It was for their handmade holiday hotlist! Very exciting.

Check out their etsy shop here. Lots of fun handmade jewelry and prints. It feels great to be connecting with the handmade community.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Out on a limb.

I have officially opened my first etsy store.! I am very excited to see where this will go. I am starting with some small creations and hopefully I will find my nitch in the handmade world eventually!

I also have decided to sign up for Free People's Winter Craft Shop! I am excited to create a gift for someone else, who I don't even know, just to make them smile.... This will be neat! What a great way to get my feet wet in the crafting world. woo-hoo, I am excited!